Gardening, Landscaping, and Plant Addiction

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Growth

Well, finally after years of photos,  poorly designed personal websites, and a multitude of Facebook posts, I have decided (with a little help from a certain family member) to make a blog. This one will detail my gardening adventures, of which I have many.

What prompted this creation was the design and building of my second flowerbed. I had wanted a second bed to accommodate my growing number of plants for quite some time, and in spite of the grueling Texas heat I worked on it all afternoon and completed it in about four and a half hours. However, I did spend an additional five hours beforehand gathering the needed soils and mulches, attending various stores and encountering a lot of mosquitoes. My mother-in-law suggested the blog after all we went through to get to the point of even starting the bed, and how it might be interesting to other gardeners, and non-gardeners alike.

So here we are! I hope I don't bore anyone :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen, it's great that you've started a gardening blog! I'll be your #1 fan.
