Gardening, Landscaping, and Plant Addiction

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cuttings and Cleaning

Today I organized my stock for the plants I'm trying to sell and realized I had a lot more work to do in the cuttings and repotting department. With the new trays I had acquired from Lowe's for free (yay for recycling), I set soil in all the little spaces and watered them thoroughly. Once drained, I sorted all the broken leaves and assorted cuttings I had previously thrown into a bucket of sphagnum moss and placed each into its own little space. If all goes well, I should have a lot of new plants: Kalanchoes, sedum, graptopetalum, and cotyledons. I also planted the pieces of cactus I received a few weeks ago so they can get started.

Mmm, cuttings!

After finally completing all the projects I had in mind to date, I organized all leftover pots and tools and put everything away in the garage. Thirty minutes of sweeping and moving pots and sweeping some more, and the back porch is finally clean and pretty.

The only mess is that of The Toad, who insists on sleeping in a four inch pot instead of the big aloe vera I repotted just for him. I found him sitting on the smaller pot last night, moved him into the big one to show him it was even better than the open air of the previous, and went to bed. Today, he had kicked some dirt out of the larger pot but was fully submerged in the four inch, with spilled soil all around. I guess that's that!


  1. I want to see a picture of you chillaxing on your nice clean patio.

  2. I will be sure to get one today for you!
