Gardening, Landscaping, and Plant Addiction

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Alien Plants

The other day my mother-in-law and I took a bit of a drive out to a promising place called Paul's Desert. I found it online looking for more places to feed my cactus needs, and I was pretty worked up and excited to get out there and see what was available. I was not disappointed!

A man whom I can only assume was Paul himself walked us around and talked to us about different succulents, and things that were toxic, or things that were good in full sun or that would burn - the man was a crazy encyclopedia of cactus knowledge, and it was fantastic. The nursery had both tender succulents and dangerously-spined traditional cactus, over a small but well-utilized lot. If you are looking for succulents and are near Schertz TX someday, do pay him a visit! You will not be disappointed.

My catch of the day was a gorgeous pot of Lithops, or living stones. I previously only had a Pleiospilos nelii, a split stone, and wanted to add to my alien plant collection.
I enjoy this plant's fat weird leaves, and the commentary I get on it. So bringing home my Lithops was probably the most exciting thing that has happened in my garden in a long time! They are even more unique!
Current comments on Lithops from friends:
"It says bad things about my diet that those look delicious."
"It looks like a mold plant."
Looks like some sort of flavored marshmallows - very pretty."
These are NOT plants."
This kind of reminds me of little gummy candies shaped like brains."

How does Lithops make you feel?


  1. Can we make stone soup with them?

  2. Probably would taste better than using actual stones; depends on if enough people added yummy things to the pot!

  3. I thought for sure you would say, "NO WAY! Not with my precious living stones!"
